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Samhain Season with Cerridwen

At this time of year, as the nights grow longer, I am drawn more deeply into my inner realms. In my life, this is a time for exploring the possibilities for what's next. It is also time for taking stock, clearing out, and clarification.

It is also a time for me to create the schedule for my next series of virtual learning opportunities, workshops, and more. It is a privilege and a responsibility to be a vessel for ancient wisdom, remembering the Earth as our Mother, and a priestess of the creative mysteries. One I take seriously, even as I include playful suggestions for exploring our relationship with the invisible energies we are engaging.

I look to my ancestors and to the stories of our Ancestors that are from the origins of the myths, lore, and legends as far back as possible. I do this for guidance and inspiration, as well as the answers that I know are held within. I honor all that has brought me to where I am now. I perform rituals celebrating the Old Ways.

Sitting still in the quiet, solitary, yet not alone, I sink into my breathing practice to deepen my connection with Nature's wild wisdom and the spirit world's messages.

The air outside is still. No birdsong lilting, by the tiny creek, carved so many eons ago.

I wonder, why the pause, what is Nature asking? Listening more deeply, I hear Her whispering. Cerridwen, the Ancient One. She, of Irish lore, has come to join me for this Samhain Season of Endings.

Samhain Season

In my life, Samhain, or the Season of Endings, as I have come to know it, begins at the end of October. It ushers in a time of reflection in my modern life. As a visionary artist, my spiritual practices feed my creative expressions and my soul.

In the Old Ways of Living with the seasonal rhythms, Samhain was the time our ancestors took stock of their harvests in preparation for a long, cold, hungry winter if it was a lean year. If it was a good harvest, winter was much more promising and celebrations were joyous. I have known both of these experiences.

Samhain is also a time of honoring our Ancestors, the Dead Ones who forged the path before us. Many of us gathered in our circle have Irish blood in our veins. On this year's All Hallow's Eve, a special journey was made in honor of the ancient Irish goddess Cerridwen and the legendary Cauldron that is Hers.

I wonder, how do you celebrate the seasons? What are your traditions around this time of year? How do you relate with or engage with your Ancestors? Why are you attracted to the ancient Irish goddess Cerridwen? Please use the comment section to share your answers!

Embodied Ritual Practices

We gathered in our own sacred spaces, linked across the distance by the Web's morphogenetic fields and our weaving of intentions. I cast a hallowed space within our circles with my prayers to the Seven. Sacredness, invited with pure love and gratefulness, was created to hold us safely in our ritual journeys.

Once the intention was set we began our rite. I held the drum, shaped like a cauldron, in my lap as I struck the beater against its skin. It spoke and sang of the passage into our inner realms, showing us the Way.

We crouched low with a great cauldron, Anwen, between our knees. We held our stirring sticks as we called to Her. In pure love, we cast our ritual invocations, welcoming the gifts, blessings & magic of this 'Tween Night, shared together. Off we went, into the Mystery.

For fifteen minutes we journeyed by the beat of the drum. Time expanded as we each explored our inner realms with Cerridwen as our guide, our teacher, and our leader. She took each one on a personal journey to open us to Her mysteries. Afterward, as always, it is up to us how we use the gifts She shared with us.

Each One then shared their journey, revealing the connections between us. Like pieces of a puzzle, coming together to add to the bigger picture. Around the circle we went, speaking of the wild wisdom of our inner explorations into our imaginations. Spreading the magic from person to person.

We told of the magic, the mystery, and the messages we received. As we did, we wove a web of creativity around our ritual offering, sealing its magic within us. Cerridwen's magic was weaving its spell of mystery.

The Mysteries & Cerridwen's Old Ways

The Unseen Ones will join us in bridging the worlds of Then and Now if we but ask. But, it must be by respectful request. It must be received with the humbleness of an open heart. Only then will the magic unfold before our very eyes.

The Old Ways are calling our souls back home to this precious planet, our Mother, the Earth. We know in our bones it is our lifeline in the vastness of space, spinning its way through infinity. Cerridwen reminds us of this and more as we explore.

All I know for certain is that Her Magic is the Stirrer of the Mysteries of the Uni-Verse. Her Cauldron, Anwen, Keeper of Her Ancient Wisdom, Her Inspiration, Her Wild Creativity came to life for me. Her Alchemies, at these CrossRoads, promise Transformation for those courageous enough to withstand her arduous Testing of our strength, our wits, our will, and of our wisdom, well-earned.

If passed, we triumph! We become victorious in our Destinies with the fulfillment of our Heart’s Promises for living the magic in our Every-Days, embracing the Wholeness, and being the Sacredness our world so clearly needs, today and for all of our Tomorrows.

Weaving Intentions

We journey for a Future brighter and healthier than we could imagine from where we stand now. We dedicate our precious time and efforts to being the holiness in a world that is destitute of so many of its gifts. May our journeys bless us and guide us into a future where our creativity and magic are celebrated and for the Good of All. So Mote It Be.

Embracing creativity and magic for the betterment of the world is the foundational message of this journey. Of all my journeys. As I continue to explore the Mysteries of Creativity with Art, Nature, and Ritual, I am humbled by the possibilities.

I envision a future where, if we can all come together in harmony, we may have a chance to change our Destiny. We must realize that we don't all have to agree. Cerridwen says, "It's common sense!"

Cerridwen Speaks

Just to listen, deeply to what the Other is communicating. To stand in the place of holiness, recognizing with our holy eyes the Truth. Receiving the Other for who they are, not for who They Are Not. Listening with our hearts, not trying to think of a response.

"Opportunity lies in where we might finally evolve," Cerridwen says to me. Certainly not found in the "problem", whatever it may be. In opening to the possibility of finding resolutions, we may yet, turn the tide and begin to restore our divine relationships. The Web of Life, with the Earth as our Mother, must be repaired, you see.

She asks of me, "How are your creativity and spirituality affecting your daily life? Are there different or more practices that can enhance your life and creativity? If so, what are they?"

Cerridwen continues, "Write them down. Be playful and have fun with your creativity and your approach to life's ups and downs. Resilience is built along the way."

"Find what works for you, what makes you feel healthy and whole. Explore creative ways of living that enhance your life on Earth. Practice these every night and day. Stay open to the New, even as the Endings are all that you are experiencing."

Creative Explorations with Cerridwen

These are only some of the secrets that Cerridwen has shared with me. I am excited to share more of Cerridwen's teachings, magic, and creativity with you in the future. She is guiding me in my visionary art, creative expressions, and ritual healing work, helping me to share Her mysteries with you.

Cerridwen's presence in my consciousness is encouraging me to share more deeply the secrets and messages that are within us to find. All that I share with you are the treasures I've discovered along Her path.

Since October 31st's embodied journey with Her, I have been writing a series of e-booklets as I continue to work with this ancient Irish Wise One. In the months to follow, I will be offering these e-booklets to subscribers and interested readers from my website.

If you're interested in learning more with me as your guide and priestess of the creative mysteries and ritual healing arts, please comment below with your email address to be added to my newsletter.

Very soon I will be offering more of Cerridwen's creativity with shamanistic journey opportunities and more. These teachings will include specific rituals and ancient technology for accessing the imagination in safe, reliable ways. Cerridwen is an excellent shapeshifter and can teach us how and why we would want to transform.

Ancient Irish Runes

The teachings of the Ancient Irish Runes are also a part of the upcoming curriculum. These are NOT from the Oghamic or Norse traditions, but a unique form of runic symbols developed from research. I learned how to use the Ancient Irish Runes from one of my first human magical teachers, who is now an Ancestor.

I include practical suggestions and actionable tips on how to incorporate creativity and spirituality into daily life along with other opportunities to be creative and grow as a person.

Blessings & an Invitation

I hope and intend for the sharing of these mysteries to bring you gifts that transform your life for the better. I welcome your stories of the magic of this season, your creativity, and your inspiration from reading this post. Do you have any stories of Cerridwen to share? I would love to read them!

Please use the comment section below to share your interest in Cerridwen, your creativity, your spiritual experiences, and any insights you may have gained from reading this post.

May all your journeys bless you with greater wisdom, deeper insights, and creative magic in the Samhain season and beyond.

(Photos and original artwork by Cat Shepard of c.2023)

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