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Epona's Wild Ride

I am awed by the imagery and symbolism of the great Irish Horse Goddess Epona. The magic and mystery of Horses have always fascinated me. At the Autumnal Equinox’s Gate, I entered into an honoring celebration of this holy day of balance and gratitude. My offering is a sacred ceremony honoring the gifts of this harvest with a ritual trance journey.

Upon entry, immediately Epona’s presence fills my awareness. She appears both in Her female form and in the form of a magnificent 4-legged creature. A dappled, silver-grey and white Horse, stands to greet me. There at the western gates, She rests in the Place of Water, guiding those of Us who are journeying tonight. She was called in sacred Love from the Depths of Our Souls to show us towards the Way to restoring our Inner Power & reclaiming our Soul’s Destinies.

As the Shadows grow longer in the waning light of both the night and day, we are challenged by the rising tides of emotions in this chaotic time of Change. It. Is. Time.

I am receiving this message, loud and clear. Our collective healing has been denied for far too long and will no longer be ignored. Freedom is the ultimate Intention of this blessed Night’s Mare.

I turn to study Epona, in Her Ecstatic Trance-Formation, She nods towards Her feet, each one pointed in the directions of the CrossRoads, where Her Horses wait, ready for travel.

Her left foot points towards the UnderWorld Realms and the right towards the OtherWorlds. She will take us to either one. We choose the direction of our journey, She reminds us.

Suddenly I notice where Her gaze is being drawn...away from Her lap, where Her harvest basket overflows...towards the next Gate on the Wheel of the Seasons. There stands Hecate, the ancient Greek Goddess of the Night's Magic, beckoning our ShadowSouls, like moths to a flame. In each hand She holds a lantern, shining brightly in the darkness, illuminating the circle where our Roads Cross.

She points out that The Gate of Endings in the Beginnings on All Hallow’s Eve is open. It remains open and has for some time now. Those who practice the Olde Magics are keeping it so. Some of the New Magicks are, too.

I can hear the whispers of The Ancient Ones who have celebrated the reMembering as they are wont to do. They celebrate the Call to return to Nature’s wisdom, Spirit’s magic, Love’s path towards healing and wholeness. To return Home to ourselves and the Universe.

Wild Horses, all of us together as a herd, gallop towards this Gate, and I feel the sensual pleasure of the winds against my skin. I surrender to the wild ride, trusting in my Heart’s lead.

Where, I wonder, will this voyage find us at the end of our wild trek? I sense it will be an illuminating experience as I am filled with Her grace, elegance, and power.

I carry this ecstatic encounter back into my daily life, where I find the blessings from this Gate’s rites appearing with greater frequency to my deep delight. The gifts of the Harvest are here.

I cherish the connections with my inner worlds as they show up in my outer ones. Exploring the creative mysteries with gratifying results is the greatest gift I reap. My artistic expressions are fueled, just as my soul is satiated by the adventure. <3

(Original Art by CShepard)

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